CD Liszt – The Essential Organ Works

Text Example


Liszt – The Essential Organ Works. Peter King, Klais organ, Bath Abbey. Prelude and Fugue on BACH; Orpheus; Funérailles (trans. Kynaston); Consolation IV in D flat; Legend of St Francis of Assisi preaching to the birds (trans. Saint-Saëns); Legend of St Francis of Paula walking on the waves (trans. Reger); Chapelle de Guillaume Tell (trans. King); Sposalizio (trans. Lemare); Il Penseroso (trans. King); Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa (trans. King); Trauerode; Consolation VI in E; Variations on ‘Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen’; Excelsior!; Ave Maria von Arcadelt; Evocation à la Chapelle Sixtine; Fantasia and Fugue on ‘Ad nos, ad salutarem undam’.

3cd REGCD278 € 22,00

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