Michael Novenko plays the Baroque Mundt Organ of the Tyn Church, Prague. Toccata in D (Seger); Prelude and Fugue in D minor (Seger); Fantasy and Fugue in D minor (Seger); Five fugues from the manuscript of F. Chládek from Rakovník (Bach/Seger); Choral prelude ‘Lob sei dem allmächtigen Gott’ (Bach); Canzona in G minor (Kerrl); Capriccio Cu cu (Kerll); Toccata in C (Pachelbel); Fantasia in C (Pachelbel); Choral prelude ‘Erhalt uns Herr bei deinem Wort’ (Pachelbel); Prelude for V.L. Vek (Novenko); Prelude in F major (Horák); Fugue in D minor (Stecher); Prelude in D major (Seger); Prelude in A major (Seger); Prelude and Fugue in D major (Seger). CD PRCD880 € 18,50
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